Prayer Vigil – Good Friday
April 15, 2022; 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church has assembled materials for the Prayer Vigil on Good Friday April 15, 2022 (see attachments), consisting of Guidelines and Recommendations and a list of possible topics for you to choose from during your quiet time with the Lord. Our hope is that you will find these materials helpful in establishing a fruitful and active prayer life on a daily basis.
This is our goal for the vigil: as we lift up the community of believers here at Our Redeemer, we will grow in the one true faith to become a light to the community; that our ministries will flourish for the sake of the Gospel; and that many others will hear the Word through the Holy Spirit and come to our Lord in faith.
We invite everyone who receives these materials to participate in the vigil and commit to pray during a specific 30-minute period between 9:00am and 9:00pm on Good Friday.
Since we would like to ensure that every period has someone in prayer, please respond to either Pastor Bill ([email protected]) or myself via email ([email protected]) as to the time slot best for you.
As author A. Begg in his book Pray Big concludes; “So we pray big prayers. We pray like Paul. We pray for own sake, for we are dependent creatures and we need the help of the God who is able to do what we are quite unable to do. We pray for the sake of others because what they need most from us is our prayers. And, most of all, we pray for God’s sake: that the God who made us and died for us and rose for us and rules for us will return to us might be glorified in our lives and in our churches.”