Pastor’s Welcome


Welcome to Our Redeemer Lutheran Church. We hope that our new website will be useful to you in sharing in the life and ministry of our congregation. Our church family has been blessed by the Lord with 60 years of Christian service to the Greater Jacksonville and adjacent Nassau County Florida and Southeast Georgia communities. Since its beginning in 1847 the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod has proclaimed the inspired andinerrant Word of God. We share this godly heritage through Word and Sacrament ministry as the Lord fulfills his promise, “I will build my Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” As the pastor of our congregation it is my privilege to preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to the Scriptures and the historic Lutheran Confessions. I invite you to share with us as we witness and work together so that others might know the joy and peace which is ours through faith in Jesus Christ. Our motto is “Sharing the Caring Christ”. Our Church’s Mission Statement says, “Our Redeemer Lutheran Church is a Christian Family…Committed to Christ in the historic Lutheran faith, Confessing our faith to today’s urban and rural community,andCaring for each other and for all families with the love of Christ.

Through the use of media we are expanding our ministry as we share the Good News of Christ with people anywhere in the world through the use of Facebook and Youtube for livestreaming our worship services. We are also beginning an Internet radio station which will reach many people. Please join us for Sunday School and Bibles class at 9AM with worship at 10AM each Sunday. During the seasons of Lent and Advent we also have midweek worship on Wednesdays as wells as special holiday services including our annual Living Nativity service on the 2nd Monday of December. We hope that you will join us in person or online for our 60thanniversary events including the 10AM and 4PM Anniversary celebration services on Sunday November 1st. Letus know how we may serve, assist, and encourage you as you “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”

God bless you!

Pastor Bill Reister