The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) believes, teaches and confesses faith in Jesus Christ as taught in the Scriptures and Lutheran Confessions. For 175 years, the Holy Spirit has kept us in the one true faith and still continues to gather sinners into the Holy Christian Church by grace through faith — all on account of Christ. As we give thanks for our Synod’s founding on April 26, 1847, we rejoice in the 175th-anniversary theme, “Only Jesus: No Other Name,” based on Acts 4:12. Until Jesus comes, the LCMS will continue to trust in, teach and preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
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Look for photos and stories throughout the year about the founding congregations of the Synod.
Learn about the Synod’s history, from the very early years when immigrants came to Missouri through more recent events of the 20th century.
Learn more about some of the people who made a significant impact on the LCMS throughout its history.